My Nan

adult elder elderly enjoyment

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Dear D,

Hi! My boyfriend and I were looking at porn online when we came across pictures of my Nan on the porn site. I was so shocked I left the computer, but my partner clicked through, and see some content. Later when we discussed it, he told me she was a porn star. I was shocked, ad upset. My Nan is a 77 year old woman and the thought of her naked having sex with men on the internet is repulsive, so I went to see her.

She was amazingly calm as I told her wheat we had discovered, and simply said “I Love sex, and it pays good”. After talking to her and thinking about it the shock vanished, but I’m still embarrassed to think she’d doing this, and wonder if I should tell my mum (her mother).



Dear Jerry,

You and your boyfriend are online looking at porn. But when your Nan stars in some porn, you get wild about it? All the porn stars are someone’s daughter, sister, mother, brother, father, son etc. Which in itself is a bit hypocritical don’t you think?

I would suggest that you have another heart to heart with your Nan and ask her about telling her daughter (your mum), it is her decision to make. You found it by accident while looking at your own porn so please don’t have double standards. This is only an issue if you make it one, go talk to your Nan and have a thorough talk with her. She says it is good money, does that mean she is broke? If so and she really is just doing it for the money, then perhaps you could do something to help?

Just remember she will always love you, will you always love her, or will her love of sex stop that relationship?

Ask D

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